The Prince of Peace, the Son of Man, the Lamb of God, The Great I Am. He's the Alpha and Omega, our God and our Savior. He's Jesus Christ, the Lord. And when time is no more, He is. HE IS. (Final verse, He Is)
If I am being honest, I feel somewhat spent. I started this journey of who He is back in February. We are now in mid May and we are at its conclusion. I have printed each post off and have them in a binder and plan to take some time and go back and re-read what I have written. I thought that working through each book of the Bible and seeing who He is in each of them that I would have a deeper understanding of who He is, instead I realized while it has drawn me closer to Him and He has shown me things beyond what I ever dreamed possible, I have only scratched to surface of comprehending WHO He is. Why? Because He is everything and infinite, and I am not. I am a spirit in a suit of flesh and He became like me, to bear everything that I could possibly bear so that I would be free of it. He is more than I could ever possibly deserve, yet He loved me at the beginning of the ages and chose me.
There are things I have taken away on this first round of He Is that will stick with me forever. Things that I get excited just thinking about them, to the point that sometimes I literally bounce up and down talking about it. I know that when I revisit and rework my way through a second time, I am going to see and discover more than I did this time, and I'm looking forward to that. But for now, my heart and mind are set on The Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) and what I have already read, and studies and sermons I have already listened to have my spirit leaping with joy. And that is how it should be as we seek Him and to know more of Him. It should never be a struggle or boring to seek the things of God. It should be an overwhelming joy and times of excitement, or sometimes even times of heartbreak and undoing, because when we honestly seek Him, we ARE going to find Him. Maybe not in the way we expect or even look for, but we will find Him.
I realized this when I started changing the way that I study the Word. It was not something that I made a plan to do, Adonai gently led me down this path. It was when I started realizing I had no idea the Jewish roots of the Word, and that I needed to have an understanding of what the words meant in their original Hebrew and then from Greek back to Hebrew/Aramaic with the New Testament that my world literally exploded. In the span of three months, I have drawn closer to Him than I have in my entire life and He is showing more than I ever thought possible, EVERY DAY. It's not just a bit here and a bit there, I am learning from His feet and daily He is showing me something and sowing it into my spirit, and all because He told me that IF I seek Him, I will find Him. This does not mean I am more spiritual than anyone else. It does not mean that I don't mess up and sin. On the contrary, I have to ask for forgiveness every day because I know that I still step off the path. It's hard to be human sometimes. The difference I have discovered in myself, and I was shocked when I said it out loud, is that I have started enjoying dying to my flesh. At first, it was an uncomfortable and at times painful thing, dying to myself so that He may live fully in me. But now, OH NOW! It is something I pray for in the morning. "Help me to continue to die to my flesh, to empty me of myself so that YOU live and shine forth through me."
I truly believe that we are a heartbeat away from Yeshua's return. All you have to do is watch what is happening in Israel right now. We are living in times that it is so important to be rooted and grounded in Him. What is so important in this world that I would give Him up for? NOTHING. There is nothing here on earth that I could ever own that is more precious than Him. There is no one in my family who can love me more than He does, and at some point by death or rapture, I won't have their hands to hold. It all comes down to a relationship between Him and me. A long time ago, my pastor's wife told me what she would share with people when they told her they did not believe in God and it is something I've held on to.
"One day, we are all going to die. Let's say you are right, that there is not a God, that Jesus isn't real, there is no 'afterlife'. When we both die, we are going to be put into the ground and being dead, we will not know the difference. But let's say that I'M right and there is a heaven and a hell, that God is on the throne and that Satan has been defeated. I would rather live my life for Him so that when I stand before Him I hear 'Well done, good and faithful servant' instead of 'Depart, I never knew you". ~ Amy Eskue
People can tell me all day long He isn't real or "That Jesus thing doesn't work." It will not change my mind, my heart and my spirit. I know HE IS. I know it. He has shown me too much and changed so much in me that only the One True God, Adonai, could change. I have seen Him heal, set free, and deliver. I have see Him make a way where there is no way. It's not luck, it's not chance, it's this Yeshua, this Jesus, that died for a world that was lost and He was and is its only hope. If you feel Him tugging at your heart, don't turn Him away. He has so much for you. It's not what religion can offer, it's not what church can offer, it's not what denominations and doctrine can offer. Those are of man. It is only through what HE can offer. HE IS, and He is calling. He is wanting to breathe new life into you, even if you are saved. Each day, He wants to make you new. He wants to sing over you. He wants to hold you in His arms and give you every good thing He has for you. Not the things of this world, although He will provide those too when you trust Him. All it takes is saying yes, and really meaning it, letting go of faith in yourself and controlling your world, and transferring your faith to where it is Him, letting Him have control. He wants to show you amazing things. He wants to show you "He Is".