It is amazing how much your life can change in a single week. This time a week ago, I was sitting in ICU with my mom, waiting for them to take her for an arteriogram. It’s scary stuff in the physical watching someone you love so much battle through physical situations like this.
When I decided to get off the fence and gave my life back to the Lord 100% back in February, I had no idea what I was spiritually preparing for. I read The Paradigm by Johnathan Cahn, followed by his book The Oracle and it set me on a journey seeking Adonai like never before. It set me wanting to learn more about the Jewish end of our faith. Soon after I found out about Rabbi Jason Sobel when my mom read The Rock, The Road, and The Rabbi. I began looking up more about him on the internet and found his TBN series The Chosen Unveiled breaking down the brilliantly done show depicting the life of Yeshua and the people who followed Him, The Chosen.
I watched all of The Chosen Unveiled and read Jason Sobel’s Mysteries of the Messiah before I actually started watching The Chosen, all while continuing to write the posts for the He Is collection. it became like brick upon brick, what I was reading, watching, studying, and writing. But the thing I revamped the most was my prayer life. I knew I needed to pray differently. We hear the word and have read the scriptures about seeking God’s face, not just His hand, and this became a very real practice for me. Although I still brought my petitions before Him, I learned how to spend more time thanking Him, praising Him, and really waiting and listening on and for Him. I really learned how to pray “Your will be done”. Without any strings attached. I learned none of this is really about me at all and it is all about Him.
When I started the posts for The Battle is Adonai’s, which I plan to finish the stranded post that I partially finished before all of this broke loose with my mom later this week, I was focused on writing about the different Hebrew words for praise. What I did not expect was for another shift to take place in my prayer life. Jehoshaphat‘s prayer showed me how to pray for my mom. It showed me how to bring other verses, such as Isaiah 41:10 and “Even if He doesn’t” from Daniel into praying as he did when calamity was about to strIke. He knew he could do nothing, but that God could do anything.
As I prayed, hour by hour, day by day, sometime minute to minute, He answered me. I have watched miracle after miracle happen. Not because of me, or what I’ve prayed or done, but because of Him and that without a doubt He is receiving all glory for every ounce. The power in prayer is not due to us. It is not because we beg or even pray scripture. the power in prayer is when we humble every ounce of our finite being to an infinite and all powerful God and say, “Not my will but Yours, for Your glory, not mine”. When we submit and let go, He will breathe life into situations.
My mother is on the road to recovery, however, I would be saying the same thing even if He had chosen to take her home. It would have hurt, I would have been beyond broken, but I know that His purpose is perfect. We don’t know why He answers one way for someone and a different way for someone else, but all things work for His glory.
I have come a long round about way to say prayer is communion and conversation with God. It’s not just a list of what we need in our lives, and I’m not down playing praying for needs as I have spent a long week of that. I’m saying we need to let Him talk to us as much, if not more as we talk to Him. He will prompt us with His Spirit, He will
guide us to a verse. He will blanket us with His shalom, however He chooses to do so, He will talk and commune with us. It’s all about spirit and truth. When we are honest and raw with Him and lean fully on Him, we will see that faith that moves mountains in our lives really happen.