When I got the email to speak about being a Tribes leader at the Taste Of Tribes Zoom call by Rabbi Ryan, I really sat and contemplated my journey over the past 9 months. There was a single word that came to mind, and that was connection.
After I shared in that meeting, as I was going to bed, Ecclesiastes 3:12 came to my mind where it states "a three-stranded cord is not easily broken". That phrase perfectly sums up the connections I have as a Tribe leader. The connection with the members of my tribe, with the other leaders located across the globe, and my connection with God.
Rabbi Jason teaches that Yeshua Himself became the Vav, the point of connection so that we could be reconciled to the Father, redeeming us from various aspects of exile. The horizontal beam of the cross reconnecting us to others and the vertical beam reconnecting us to our Creator. He goes into detail on this in his book Mysteries of the Messiah.
The Tribes program is a way to put that connection into action. It puts legs to discipleship. It is engaging and spiritually stimulating. It has become a vital part of my walk.
As we prepare to kick off the 2024 Tribes seasons, I have felt such an urgency about how important the winter season, "Springs in the Desert" is going to be. It is going to be life altering, transforming, and important in ways I can not explain, but feel within the depths of my heart.
So many people are looking for connection. They are looking for where they belong. They feel the pain and sorrow this world is throwing at us at an alarming pace, but are struggling to find peace within it. There is only One who is shalom in this world. The Prince of Peace, and many don't know how to connect to Him. Tribes is a beautiful way to share that shalom, and bring them that connection they are looking for. It is a way to help re-center those who are struggling in their walk. It is a way to go deeper with God than you thought possible. Start or join a tribe. Get connected in an incredible way. Become like Phillip and declare, "Come and see!" Come be part of that cord that isn't easily broken. Find your connection.