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Who You Are to Me - A Personal Savior Throughout Scripture

I am not quite sure how the idea came about. It was probably because throughout the day, random praise and worship songs will run through my head, and it had to be when the chorus of Chris Tomlin’s song, Who You Are to Me was playing up there at the time. There are numerous writings and sermons preached, songs sung, and Sunday School lessons taught about who God is throughout the Bible, but the question of “Yeshua, who are you to me?” in my daily life, my walk, from my study of scripture, rang in my head like a bell. So, it is because of that I begin this journey. Starting at the beginning, not my beginning, but literally, “in the beginning”, I am doing my own personal deep dive scripture by scripture to discover either for the first time, or multiple times, who my personal savior is to me. To make this even a more fun and interesting journey, I plan to number each one and see how many ways He is in my life after one pass through the Word. Talk about the greatest treasure hunt there is, with the greatest map known to mankind. Let us begin this grand adventure.

1. Let There Be Light

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:3-4

When we think of light, we think of the sun, the radiance of a lightbulb, or the flickering of a flame. But this light that God spoke of in Genesis 1:3 was a light without compare. It was the light of life that was divided from darkness. It was the light that divides life from death. Before the sun ever radiated its beams upon this earth, or the moon showed its silvery beauty, this light was there, ready to shine in each of us.

When I look back on my life before Messiah, like the earth in the beginning, there was darkness, chaos, a void. I lived each day recklessly without giving thought to my soul. I thought I lived happily and carefree until God spoke into my life “Let there be light!”. When the light of Yeshua flooded into my heart, He separated light from darkness, He brought shalom to the chaos, and He filled that void with Himself. With my sins forgiven, and my heart made new, I have no doubt the Father looked upon this new child, born again and saw that it was good.

Each and every day, we have the choice to wake up and allow that light to shine in us and through us. Each morning, we have the choice to say, “Let there be light!”, and then take that light into a dark and chaotic world. Yeshua is the light in the darkness.

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