After Methushelach was born, Hanokh (Enoch) walked with God 300 years and had sons and daughters. In all, Hanokh lived 365 years. Hanokh walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him. Genesis 5:22-24
Enoch has always fascinated me. What a relationship with God he must have had. While short, his story is a wonder, and like many, I wonder if he rather than Moses is one of the two witnesses that the book of Revelation speaks of. For now, that will remain in the box of speculation as we turn to the true intent of this writing, his name.
As mentioned in earlier posts in this series, the names listed in Adam’s lineage seem to describe the story of the gospel. So, where does the meaning of Enoch’s name tie into this description? Simply put, 3 ½ years.
Pronounced khan-oke, Chanowk (חֲנוֺך) comes from the root Chanak (חָנַך) meaning train up or dedicate. It also holds the meaning of teaching or education. The first scripture that came to my mind upon seeing this was of course Proverbs 22:6, Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old, he will not turn from it. As I journeyed deeper into the lexicon, I also discovered additional meanings, including make experienced, submissive, perceive, understand, and consecrate. All these definitions define Yeshua’s journey. During His childhood, after looking for Him for three days, Mary and Joseph found Him in the Temple “sitting in the center of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions”, and all who heard Him were “astonished at his understanding and His answers”. (Luke 1:46-47) After expressing their frustration of not being able to find Him, the account continues by saying, Then He went down to Natzeret (Nazareth) and was obedient (submissive) to them. (v. 51) Emphasis on the word submissive, mine.
He taught in the synagogues, on mountainsides, from a boat, and even in the Temple. He is the ultimate rabbi, the ultimate teacher. He would enlighten multitudes and enrage others. He spoke with authority and in parables. He would answer questions with questions and bring hope and healing with His words. He taught in ways that no one ever had before, and His teaching has changed the world. After His death and resurrection, He continued to teach His disciples. Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:25
The Rabbi of rabbis is still teaching to this day. When we open the written Word, the Living Word speaks to us and enlightens us. Through His Spirit, we hear Him speak to our hearts. He wants us to be ever learning in the things of the Father. The more we let Him teach us, the more transformed we become, the more like Him we become. Enoch walked with God, and God took Him. When we walk with God, Yeshua will take us places we never dreamed we could venture.